Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: writing :: fiction



Eve wove lies of leaves and fruit as she crawled about the tree; it had rotted and split, but her webbing held it whole. She wove eight-faceted apples that glistened like negative prisms, sucking in all heat and life.

Her manifold legs danced swiftly, all angles and jabs; chitin claws embraced, for brief moments, dry and cracking branches; her bulbous body swayed slowly in counterpoint.

She dreamed of truths, dark and gruesome; dreamed of fruits she should have never sampled--that cold stone of clarity in her heart. Adam was gone, long gone into the world of men, and dead, and she had not changed so much that she did not miss him. Eve dreamed of an ache in her chest where his rib would have lain.

Eve plied the trade of knowledge--she'd used her knowledge first to work her way inside, to become another, something outside God's realm that had not been, could not be, banned. There she had the tree of knowledge to herself, as the garden ran to shambles, and she sucked it dry.

All-knowing and nigh-all-powerful, she wrapped her tree in lies, twisting reality outside-in. She spun dreams of the promise of innocence, beguiling the fetid flies that were her progeny generations upon generations gone. One by one they crept to her bosom, finding the science that she invented to lure them from the truth.

The puny souls succumbed and shriveled, one by one, leaving dreamless automatons the inheritors of the world outside. And when all the souls were wrapped as fruit upon her tree of death--then she would know the blissful lie of death herself. Such was the dream she sang.



apple, stone
- fin -

I am soooo fake pre-loading this image so the navigation doesn't skip while loading the over state.  I know I could use the sliding doors technique to avoid this fate, but I am too lazy.