Kaolin Fire with GUD Issues 0 through 5

kaolin fire presents :: writing :: fiction



Yesterday, I flew home from work in an enormous roller skate possessed by the spirit of that old dame with way too many kids. Old mother hubbard had locked up her cupboards, put the kids in the galley pedaling, and was feeding them all by charging $42 bucks a pop, door-to-door service. Unfortunately, the old mother had somehow crossed with L. Ron, and I found myself trying to fend off the one-sided conversation coming at me from a scientologist keeping me up on faith alone. Today, I made it up to myself by giving the bastard's card to the local Jehova's Witnesses.
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I am soooo fake pre-loading this image so the navigation doesn't skip while loading the over state.  I know I could use the sliding doors technique to avoid this fate, but I am too lazy.